Random Pictures and Description #October2018 - My Life My Journey

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Rabu, 21 November 2018

Random Pictures and Description #October2018

I'm back! Setelah sebulan nggak nge-post apapun, akhirnya aku punya waktu untuk setidaknya sharing beberapa hal yang udah aku jalani di bulan Oktober. Time flies so fast, and believe it or not, I've been here, in US, for more than 3 months.

Kali ini aku nulis sesuatu dengan konsep yang agak beda. Kalian bakal liat beberapa random pictures, tapi tiap foto ada description, a.k.a caption. It's like a bunch of social media's posts all at once. Postingan semacam ini aku beri judul 'Random Pictures and Description'. Oh ya, aku juga cantumin hal paling menarik di bulan Oktober, atau hal yang paling berkesan di highlights of the month.

Highlights of the month: Homecoming, California, and Halloween.

2 Oktober 2018: Hari Batik Nasional. Picture was taken in front of the school.

13 Oktober: Homecoming, which is; usually the culminating event of the week (for high schools)—is a formal or informal event, either at the school or an off-campus location. The venue is decorated, and either a disc jockey or band is hired to play music. In many ways, it is a fall prom. 
Thanks, wikipedia.

Disneyland! It was in California

We were in Tea Cup's ride

Me and some happy skeletons :)
One of my fav ride and building: Guardian of the Galaxy

I just love love love this street in Disneyland!!

The parade was full of lights!

Disneyland at night. Still pretty

Next day, California Park! Located right next to Disneyland. Or, what I can say is that California Park is part of Disneyland. Love the rollercoaster!

Guess where?
Yep! Walk of Fame, LA, California. I saw Hollywood sign on the way to get there. But somehow couldn't take the picture because I was in the car.

Being part of haunted house at school. I was a zombie. No need too much make up to make myself look like a zombie :)

This Dracula costum got the scariest costum in a Halloween Party in Portland. Hahah, kinda funny.

That's all! See you in the next random picture and description session!

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